Georgi V. Georgiev


University of Oulu Oulu 90014 Finland
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Georgi V. Georgiev is Professor of Design Creativity leading the Design Research Group at the Center for Ubiquitous Computing, University of Oulu, Finland. He earned his Ph.D. in Knowledge Science from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) in 2009 for his research in the area of design creativity. His research interests are in design creativity, design cognition, digital fabrication and prototyping, design thinking, user interaction and user experience. In the period 2009-2012, he was a researcher of several collaborative research projects between universities and industry in Japan. The largest of these projects focused on quantification of user kansei operation in vehicles, a collaboration with Denso Corporation, Japan, initially funded by Toyota Foundation and, later, funded by A-STEP (Adaptable and Seamless Technology transfer Programme through target driven research and development) of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Dr. Georgiev led different research projects as a Principal Investigator, including a design creativity project funded by the highly competitive Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (KAKENHI) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). His current research is focused both on the early stage of design process, when new and innovative ideas are generated, and user's perspective on the design outcome, which is essential for understanding challenges for success of digital technologies. Prof. Georgiev is actively involved in the foundation and development of the Special Interest Group Design Creativity at the Design Society, five International Conferences on Design Creativity, as well as in the editorial team of International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation since the inception of the journal.